A Happy New Year in the making

And here it is, 2024! The new year has arrived. Quietly, over night, we slipped into another countdown of 365 new days. New year’s eve as well as new year’s day, came and went uneventfully, calmly, and without fanfares.

I have not set any intentions for 2024, nor have I made plans to resolve anything from the past. But I am ready to turn a new page in my story. I have noticed that I give up too easily. On my dreams, on my plans, and mostly on my self. And I am ready to start a new chapter, where I once again step into my power, and believe in myself and my innate ability to create and attract, and realize, my story, my reality, my life.

What has been does not define me, nor does it predicate what can or cannot be. Nor can it limit what I can achieve.

In the here and now, in the absolute present moment, knowing who I truly am, harnessing the power that I have within me, and the knowledge that in the infinite universe we live in everything is possible, I can achieve anything I can imagine, and beyond.

Only persistent thoughts become things. Tangible things, actual experiences and achievements. And when I can focus on the thoughts and ideas that bring me joy, happiness, fun, and make me feel good, the possibilities of the life and experiences I can create for my self are infinite.

I am ready to step out of the stagnation I allowed in the past. And I am ready to actively create and live what until now I have given up on.

Starting today, I am making this my happiest year, one new day, one happy thought, at a time.

Happy new year to all!

A perfect spot for contemplation and meditation.
I imagined it, I painted it, I let it find me.